{"TILES":[{"svg":"ProblemSolving","header":"What are the benefits of Walmart Brand Portal?","content":{"list1":{"type":"ol","steps":["Streamlined IP claim submission process","Comprehensive claim tracking dashboard","Centralized user management services"]}}},{"svg":"GroupPeople","header":"Who is eligible to use Walmart Brand Portal?","content":{"list1":{"type":"ol","steps":["Rights owners with registered trademarks","Authorized third-party brand protection agencies","Authorized legal representatives"]}}},{"svg":"Verify","header":"What do I need to get started?","content":{"list1":{"type":"ol","steps":["Company information","Active trademark registration number","Verifiable email address"]}}}],"FAQ":{"header":"Frequently Asked Questions","id":"LoginFAQ","items":[{"question":"Why Walmart Brand Portal?","type":"simple","answer":{"partial1":{"chunk1":"Walmart takes allegations of intellectual property infringement seriously. We built the Walmart Brand Portal with the goal to enable rights owners to better manage and protect their intellectual property rights on ","anchor1":{"href":"https://www.walmart.com","text":"Walmart.com"},"chunk2":", and to build a trusted online platform for our customers."}}},{"question":"How can I check the status of my Walmart Brand Portal application?","type":"simple","answer":{"partial1":{"chunk1":"To see the status of your application, please log into your Walmart Brand Portal account. You will see a message with the current application status upon login. If you have any questions about your application, please contact ","anchor1":{"href":"https://brandhelp.walmart.com","text":"Brand Help.","target":"_blank"}}}},{"question":"What type of claims can I submit using Walmart Brand Portal?","type":"simple","answer":{"partial1":{"chunk1":"You can report any legitimate claims of intellectual property infringement for items listed on ","anchor1":{"href":"https://www.walmart.com","text":"Walmart.com"},"chunk2":", including claims of copyright, trademark, patent, and counterfeit."},"para2":"Please note that violations of exclusive distribution agreements are not the subject of IP infringement, and Walmart will not take action to enforce such agreements. "}},{"question":"Is Walmart Brand Portal available only in the United States?","type":"simple","answer":{"partial1":{"chunk1":"Yes, Walmart Brand Portal services are currently offered only for the United States ","anchor1":{"href":"https://www.walmart.com","text":"Walmart.com"},"chunk2":" marketplace."}}},{"question":"Are WIPO or EUIPO trademarks accepted by Walmart Brand Portal?","type":"simple","answer":{"para1":"Walmart Brand Portal currently only accepts trademarks registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)."}},{"question":"How do I submit intellectual property claims if I don't have a Walmart Brand Portal account?","type":"simple","answer":{"partial1":{"anchor1":{"href":"https://www.walmart.com","text":"Walmart.com"},"chunk1":" operates a ","anchor2":{"href":"https://help.walmart.com/app/ts","text":"publicly available webform"},"chunk2":" for reporting alleged instances of intellectual property infringement."}}},{"question":"Can I use my Seller Center login credentials to log into the Brand Portal or register for an account?","type":"simple","answer":{"para1":"Walmart marketplace sellers who have not yet registered in the Brand Portal can register for an account by using the “Use Seller Center Account” option on the register page."}},{"question":"How can I link my Seller Center and Brand Portal accounts?","type":"simple","answer":{"para1":"If you are a seller who has an existing Brand Portal account, use the \"Login with Seller Center\" option at the Log-In screen and you will be prompted to link your Seller Center and Brand Portal accounts. After your accounts are linked, you will only be able to use your Seller Center login credentials to access the Brand Portal."}},{"question":"Can I use my Supplier Center login credentials to log in?","type":"simple","answer":{"para1":"A registered supplier can use their Supplier Center account credentials to log into the Brand Portal. On the Login page, use the \"Continue with Brand Portal Log In\" option at the Log-In screen and enter your Supplier Center credentials to begin the onboarding process."}},{"question":"How do I report unauthorized resellers?","type":"simple","answer":{"para1":"Walmart runs on a unified catalog and therefore resellers can appear and sell on the same listing. Walmart does not intervene in any authorized or unauthorized reseller arrangements. Additionally, Walmart does not take a position as to the enforcement of any contractual relationship between third-party sellers and their suppliers or between a claimant and Walmart’s suppliers.  We encourage you to contact the sellers directly to resolve the matter. You can find their contact information by scrolling down the listing and clicking on the specific seller’s name."}}]}}